NTCA’s Smart Communities are powered by innovative rural broadband providers that believe that by being connected to fiber broadband we achieve more together. The program promotes rural broadband and its role in supporting innovative economic development, effective education, efficient energy distribution and use, state-of-the-art health care and other important issues for rural America.
In order to receive recognition as a Smart Rural CommunitySM provider, Mid Century Communications was required to affirm that it offers 100 Mbps broadband to at least 50% of its service area; that it has broadband subscription rates of at least 50%; and that it is committed to program principles of collaboration and innovation. As a result of Mid Century Communications national recognition will now be celebrated as a Smart Rural Community in program materials and online at www.smartruralcommunity.com, joining a national network of similarly innovative communities.
NTCA Chief Executive Officer Shirley Bloomfield also recognized Mid Century Communications for this achievement, noting, “We are so excited to welcome another Smart Rural Community provider into this growing network of innovative broadband providers delivering the Internet’s fastest speeds in some of the most remote and rural communities of our country. I applaud Mid Century Communications for their commitment to enabling cutting-edge technologies that drive innovation, improve quality of life and promote economic development in their region and nationwide.”